Here’s a funny dedicated to technology-challenged tourist! Dangerous combination!
A couple from Minnesota was tired of the cold weather, so they decided to come to Florida to enjoy the beach. They tried to schedule their flight together, but the wife couldn’t get off work on the Friday. On his wife’s insistence, the husband left before her. He checked in, got things planned for the couple to enjoy during the trip, and walked on the beach.
He went back to the room and emailed his wife—or at least he thought he did. Due to a misplaced underscore he emailed a recently-widowed woman in Texas, who on receiving the strange contact immediate dropped dead. His email read:
“Hello darling,
I’ve arrived down here today just fine—it sure is hot though! Thanks for sending me along early. I’ve been busy making plans for you when you get down here. I can’t wait for you to arrive here tomorrow!
Loving Regards,
Your Husband”
This joke was submitted by an unnamed colleague of Yvonne’s. If you have a joke that mentions or relates to Florida, email us! If we use it we will give you credit, and a link-back!
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